Impatience, The Thief That Blinds You!

Impatience, The Thief That Blinds You!

Recently, I found myself impatient when my wife struggled to upload some business documents I needed. ...more


September 06, 20242 min read

Comparison, The Thief of Self-Worth

Comparison, The Thief of Self-Worth

It had been a few years since our bankruptcy and we had tried, with very little success to get traction in creating another business. ...more


September 06, 20243 min read

Indecision-Shrink and Think Small

Indecision-Shrink and Think Small

There have been times in my life that even though I have had a lot of “business success” I was disillusioned about my anticipated “ROI” for all of my efforts. ...more


September 06, 20242 min read

When We Feel We Are Not Enough

When We Feel We Are Not Enough

I’ve been reflecting on a conversation that I had recently with a client who was asking why does it feel like that no matter what he does, internally, his mental dialogue says ...more

Doug Stoddard

March 23, 20230 min read

Your Missing Piece to Creating Sustained breakthroughs in your Life

Your Missing Piece to Creating Sustained breakthroughs in your Life

If you have children or have led a team, you have probably felt the frustration of trying to get them to change by focusing on getting them to change their behaviors and attitudes. ...more

Doug Stoddard

June 30, 20213 min read

Are You Winning the Battle with Procrastination

Are You Winning the Battle with Procrastination

A lot of people have told me that they struggle with procrastination and that it seems to suck them of confidence and keeps them performing below their true potential! ...more

Doug Stoddard

June 23, 20213 min read

Why You Keep Hitting Walls in Your Relationships

Why You Keep Hitting Walls in Your Relationships

When was the last time that you had a conversation where you felt safe, valued, and understood so that you really opened up and shared? I have asked hundreds of people this question. ...more

Doug Stoddard

June 16, 20213 min read

The 3 Blocks to Experiencing Greater Joy & Fulfillment in Your Life & Work

The 3 Blocks to Experiencing Greater Joy & Fulfillment in Your Life & Work

A lot of people are going through life working like crazy, trying to reach their goals in the family and business and when it is all said and done, they ask, Why am I doing all this work and still fe... ...more

Doug Stoddard

June 09, 20212 min read

Create greater confidence and avoid failure with these 3 Habit Breaker Success Strategies

Create greater confidence and avoid failure with these 3 Habit Breaker Success Strategies

How do I increase my confidence? This struggle to find and live in greater confidence is verified by the fact that we have measured the thought processes of over 200,000 entrepreneurs & leaders ...more

Doug Stoddard

June 02, 20213 min read

What does Walking on a Tightrope Have to do with Reaching Your Goals?

What does Walking on a Tightrope Have to do with Reaching Your Goals?

In 1991 Vince Poscente along with other Olympic speed skaters were challenged by their coach to walk across a tightrope as fast as they could without falling off. ...more

Doug Stoddard

June 13, 20202 min read

Fear or Confidence, it is Your Choice

Fear or Confidence, it is Your Choice

I was six years old hanging on to the edge of the swimming pool watching the fun that everyone was having in the water except for me. ...more

Doug Stoddard

April 23, 20202 min read

How do Our Thoughts Impact Effective Listening?

How do Our Thoughts Impact Effective Listening?

It is imperative to understand that Effective Listening is not hearing, telling, or talking. This is probably opposite to what your experience has been. ...more

Doug Stoddard

February 20, 20202 min read

What Does a Tire Jack Have to do with Listening?

What Does a Tire Jack Have to do with Listening?

How many opportunities have we lost, relationships damaged, self-esteem destroyed, and time squandered because of the movies our minds create when uncontrolled? ...more

Doug Stoddard

January 18, 20203 min read

The Number One Mindset for Real Success In Life!

The Number One Mindset for Real Success In Life!

In your fast-paced, hectic, demand-driven world Pause, take a deep breath, and imagine that these words are influencing and guiding your life today. ...more

Doug Stoddard

January 11, 20201 min read

Are You Holding Your Current Life Hostage?

Are You Holding Your Current Life Hostage?

Just one question…Are you holding your current job or relationships at work or home hostage while waiting for something to change before you can be happy? ...more

Doug Stoddard

January 06, 20202 min read

The Second Key to Becoming a Magnet of Cooperation and Productivity

The Second Key to Becoming a Magnet of Cooperation and Productivity

Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand. ...more

Doug Stoddard

December 18, 20193 min read

The Ten Things that Great Listeners Avoid

The Ten Things that Great Listeners Avoid

For years we who have been asking the question to thousands of people, “When was the last time you felt truly safe and understood in a conversation? ...more

Doug Stoddard

December 02, 20193 min read

The First Key to Becoming a Magnet of Cooperation & Productivity

The First Key to Becoming a Magnet of Cooperation & Productivity

Listening is a magnetic and strange thing, a creative force. The friends who listen to us are the ones we move toward. When we are listened to, it creates us, makes us unfold and expand. ...more

Doug Stoddard

November 21, 20192 min read

Who is directing the traffic in your mind?

Who is directing the traffic in your mind?

A number of years ago I was standing on the edge of a very large roundabout in Lima Peru. As I recall there were four major avenues entering into and exiting the roundabout with thousands of vehicles... ...more

Doug Stoddard

November 11, 20193 min read

What Skill Influences up to 40% of a leader’s Job Performance?

What Skill Influences up to 40% of a leader’s Job Performance?

Impalas at three-feet tall can jump 10 feet vertically, and when running can jump 30 feet horizontally. They have all the instincts and ability to be free, stay free, and thrive in spite of the many p... ...more

Doug Stoddard

October 17, 20193 min read

Ioana Balanescu Interview with Dave Blanchard, CEO of the Og Mandino Group

Ioana Balanescu Interview with Dave Blanchard, CEO of the Og Mandino Group

Ioana Balanescu Interview with Dave Blanchard, CEO of the Og Mandino Group ...more

Doug Stoddard

October 09, 20190 min read

Do I Really Have Time?

Do I Really Have Time?

It had already been a long day filled with a number of challenges as Sam quickly walked down the hall to take care of an issue in another part of the building. ...more

Doug Stoddard

October 07, 20193 min read

Survive or Thrive

Survive or Thrive

If we are not careful, we can begin to develop a survival mindset that can create scarcity, feelings of being a victim, drawing inward and even depression. ...more

Doug Stoddard

September 06, 20192 min read

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