The 3 Blocks to Experiencing Greater Joy & Fulfillment in Your Life & Work

The 3 Blocks to Experiencing Greater Joy & Fulfillment in Your Life & Work

June 09, 20212 min read

The 3 Blocks to Experiencing Greater Joy & Fulfillment in Your Life & Work

The 3 Blocks to Experiencing Greater Joy & Fulfillment in Your Life & Work

A lot of people are going through life working like crazy, trying to reach their goals in the family and business and when it is all said and done, they ask, Why am I doing all this work and still  feeling so unfulfilled? Where is the joy?

I’m going to share three reasons why so many people are not experiencing the kind of joy and fulfillment that they desire as they go through their life.


The first reason is:

1) Unrealistic/Unmet Expectations

Do you find yourself creating expectations that just don’t come to pass?As someone who wants to influence and impact others, you are probably among the 90% who have very active imaginations. If so, it is very easy to create unrealistic expectations in your mind that can create a huge gap between your reality and what you see in your mind. This creates a big conflict in your mind. Repeated inability to effectively manage the crossing of your gap drives discouragement and low self-worth. Look at your expectations and how you manage your gap.

The 3 Blocks to Experiencing Greater Joy & Fulfillment in Your Life & Work

The second reason is:

2) Seeking Joy in the Wrong Things

Have you been pulled into focusing on external things to give you internal joy only to be disappointed when you don’t experience it?

Have you lost gratitude for where you are, or who you are in your journey, and what you have? Are the lenses you have on compelling you to wait for something to happen in your life, and then you will be happy?

If so, Find joy in the gratitude of what you have, where you are, who you are, and who you can bless today in your journey.

The third reason is:

3) Distracted from living and creating in the NOW

Where does your mind want to dwell? In the past, the future, or in the Now? The only place that you can create the life you want and experience the fulfillment and joy you desire is in the now. The challenge is that distractions are everywhere, pulling you away from creating the life you desire.


Manage your activities, block your time, and create what you desire, or joy will continually be just beyond your grasp!


Remember that every day is a great day to grow in your confidence to create and experience more joy!

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