Are You Winning the Battle with Procrastination

Are You Winning the Battle with Procrastination

June 23, 20213 min read

Are You Winning the Battle with Procrastination

Are You Winning the Battle with Procrastination

A lot of people have told me that they struggle with procrastination and that it seems to suck them of confidence and keeps them performing below their true potential!

“If you’re feeling at times like procrastination’s grip is robbing you of the confidence of being in control of your life and creating what you really want then pay attention…”

Are You Winning the Battle with Procrastination

Procrastination is something that all of us drag around to some degree throughout our lives. You may experience it by not having a difficult conversation with a spouse, child, or employee. Maybe it’s putting off making a call to a potential client, or starting your health or exercise program, maybe you avoid creating a budget, investing instead of spending, reading a book to your child, or saying I love you to your spouse. It could be saying you’re sorry, or even forgiving someone. Maybe it is even letting go of a traumatic experience from long ago. There are endless subtle ways that you can slide into the hidden face of procrastination.

So, what creates procrastination?

It is a mechanism of your brain. Your brain has two primary focus points. These are to keep you safe and predictable. You’ve heard of the comfort zone, right? It is The place where your brain knows you are safe and can predict the outcome of your actions. Anything outside of that area it will do whatever it can to keep you from moving forward.

Fear drives procrastination. 

Fear of failure, fear of success, responsibility, accountability, growth, recognition, and even fear of our potential!

  • Action Step: Fear is only in your head so simply stepping into it by saying “I Act Now” will quiet it.


If something is too big or there are not enough resources to succeed, you will face procrastination.

Instead of doing that big project that you have been putting off, your brain will throw out all kinds of other good things you could be doing instead.

  • Action Step: Downsize your first step to match your resources, and then decide when you are going to do it to suck the power out of procrastination.

Are You Winning the Battle with Procrastination

Over Thinking!

Getting on that hamster wheel of thinking and thinking and thinking. As long as you are thinking, you aren’t acting and that is just fine with your brain if you are thinking of doing something new and different!

  • Action Step: Ink what you think! Get it out of your head and onto paper. Determine the next step and schedule it

Why is it important to understand what procrastination is and how it impacts you?

Nothing changes in your life until you become aware of it, get clarity on how to move forward, and then take action. This creates what I call a Clear Identity Action Mindset. When you have clarity and then consistently take action, you create an internal Identity that you are someone who acts now.


Until you go through the steps of creating this new identity of taking action, you are locked up by procrastination and you can be robbed of the confidence to create the kind of life you desire, but are probably making excuses for not doing so.


Remember that every day is a great day to live in the Identity of I Act Now

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