Your Missing Piece to Creating Sustained breakthroughs in your Life

Your Missing Piece to Creating Sustained breakthroughs in your Life

June 30, 20213 min read

Your Missing Piece to Creating Sustained breakthroughs in your Life

Your Missing Piece to Creating Sustained breakthroughs in your Life

If you have children or have led a team, you have probably felt the frustration of trying to get them to change by focusing on getting them to change their behaviors and attitudes. Doing that can feel like you are herding cats and the change seems to come slowly, if at all, and you can spend a lot of time reteaching and retraining them and wondering what is wrong with them or even what is wrong with yourself?

Your Missing Piece to Creating Sustained breakthroughs in your Life

Sustained Positive change does not come from focusing on behaviors and attitudes!

The reason it can be so frustrating and seem to take so long is because attitudes and behaviors are driven by what are called Habits of Thinking. In order for you to create sustained and meaningful breakthroughs you have to identify what habits of thinking are sabotaging your efforts and then learn how to shift them into a new pattern of thinking. That can take years if you are learning by trial and error.

Sabotaging habits of thinking creates distortion in how we see and interpret things.

Let me share a personal example. Years ago, my wife and I had finally reached the coveted “empty nesters” status. Four months later our son asked if he, his wife, and his four very active children could live with us for three months until his schooling started? Immediately I went into the catastrophes that were sure to hit. I expected the worst! But we said “sure”! The first day they were there I came home to a house that looked like a tornado had hit it and my treat box had even been raided! This went on for six weeks! All I could see was what was wrong with these kids. They were lazy, disobedient, didn’t care, and on and on I went!

 Then after six weeks, I had a strong impression that it was not the kids that needed to change. It was me! I decided I needed to take control of my thoughts, actions, and how I saw them! I began to spend more time with them. We went on walks, played games, talked, watched fun shows, and even had treats. I began to see them much differently, and they began to experience their grandpa differently! Sure, there were still some messes, but there was so much more cooperation, less fighting, and a lot more fun. The whole atmosphere in our home changed! 

Your Missing Piece to Creating Sustained breakthroughs in your Life

How are habits of thinking created?

We all have habits of thinking that have been created by a lifetime of experiences. How you react and interpret your life experiences creates neuro pathways in your brain. When life shows up and triggers these pathways you begin to feel emotions, and thoughts that drive your actions and identities. The challenge is most of your sabotaging habits of thinking are hidden and hard for you to identify.

 In order to breakthrough and create sustained change in your life, and impact and influence the lives of others then you must identify your sabotaging habits of thinking and learn the principles of shifting them into a new positive habit of thinking. 


How do you step into Infinite Success Living?

First Step: Become CLEAR

Second Step: Identify true IDENTITY

Third Step: Take ACTION

Fourth Step: Develop the right MINDSET


Remember that every day is a great day to break through into Infinite Success Living!

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