Are You Holding Your Current Life Hostage

Are You Holding Your Current Life Hostage?

January 06, 20202 min read

Are You Holding Your Current Life Hostage?

Are You Holding Your Current Life Hostage?

Just one question…Are you holding your current job or relationships at work or home hostage while waiting for something to change before you can be happy?

This approach to life is like a beach ball in the lake and you are trying to get it. Each paddle with your arms simply pushes it farther away from you.


Seek ways to excel in the moment with what you are doing.You will be amazed at what happens when you turn your attention to bringing all of you into what you are doing.

There was a time in my life when a major change occurred in my work and I found myself in a job that paid far less and I felt was way below my accomplishments. I showed up at work finding everything wrong with the situation.

It was at this time a mentor asked me a question. He said, “Doug, how can you expect to spend 8-10 hours a day with a half-hearted effort, creating all that negative energy in your mind and then go home and be able to be positive and totally present with your family?”

I suddenly realized the hole I was in and the terrible results it was having.

I decided right then to shift my mindset so as to show up with all I had each day in the job I did not previously like. This produced tremendous results! My mind went into the creative mode, I began to develop accounts, create new clients that resulted in millions of dollars in revenue, and new positions opened up that never would have opened up with the existing mindset.

Don’t hold your happiness and joy hostage by waiting for something to change. Find it now, in the moment, in what you are doing!

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