Professionals, Teams, and Executives

Come alive to the leader your family and business needs.



Uncover your draining habits with 100% accuracy

Discover how executives and entrepreneurs are reclaiming their mental bandwidth and transforming their relationships with Doug’s proven habit-breaking success formula.

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Hey! Welcome My Friend!

I’m Doug, the habit breaker expert.

If you are looking to break free and go to the next level in your confidence, joy, relationships and create a high performance mindset then you are in the right place!

I wanted the same thing for over nine years! I thought for sure I could figure it out but I kept hitting the same walls, getting the same results, working harder and spending more money only to come up frustrated and stuck!

I finally created the Habit Breaker Success Formula to break through. It wasn’t easy, and I made a ton of mistakes, but it has now created a pathway for hundreds to create the mindset and skill sets, eliminate self-limiting beliefs, and to go to the next level with confidence!

That’s why I’m so excited to share my website with you as a powerful resource to empower you to discover what your sabotaging habits of thinking are, how they show up, and how to master the process of designing a high performance, joy and confidence filled lifestyle.

I’d love to take that next step with you in designing your Habit Breaker Success Formula!

-Doug Stoddard

Impatience, The Thief That Blinds You!

Impatience, The Thief That Blinds You!

Recently, I found myself impatient when my wife struggled to upload some business documents I needed. ...more


September 06, 20242 min read

Comparison, The Thief of Self-Worth

Comparison, The Thief of Self-Worth

It had been a few years since our bankruptcy and we had tried, with very little success to get traction in creating another business. ...more


September 06, 20243 min read

Indecision-Shrink and Think Small

Indecision-Shrink and Think Small

There have been times in my life that even though I have had a lot of “business success” I was disillusioned about my anticipated “ROI” for all of my efforts. ...more


September 06, 20242 min read

© 2024 Doug Stoddard